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Monday, May 27, 2013

Position Yourself to Profit

God is interested in your profit and progress. He is committed to teaching you what is good for you - Isa 48:17. In this dispensation He teaches you through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will teach you all truth and brings things to your remembrance - Jn 14:26 & Jn 16:13. Friend this is your supernatural advantage. Speak to the Holy Spirit. Ask Him for direction and instructions. Listen patiently for a response. Act appropriately consistent with His instructions. With the Holy Spirit as your partner you are unbeatable in every area of life.

Position Yourself to Walk with The Holy Spirit

The Bible describes the fruit of the Spirit as: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control - Gal 5:22-23. The fruit of the Spirit is as a result of the workings of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. Just as the fruit of a tree will eventually be mature and seen, likewise the fruit of the Spirit must be cultivated in partnership with the Holy Spirit and will eventually be evident.

Contrast this to Gal 5:19-21 where the works of the flesh are listed: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries. If your life is governed by the flesh i.e. the natural way of doing things, then the works of the flesh will be evident in your life.

It takes the influence of the Holy Spirit to live a life that is not governed by the flesh. You must crucify the flesh and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You crucify the flesh by resisting the temptations to fall into the behaviors and traps that lead to the works listed in Gal 5:19-21 and described in the second paragraph, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Then you position yourself to walk with the Spirit and His fruit by making the Word of God your standard.

Friday, May 17, 2013

You can approach God with confidence

When you became a child of God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in you. The Bible says in Rom 8:15 that we did not receive a spirit of bondage rather we received the Spirit of adoption. In other words when you were an unbeliever your life was dominated by the spirit of bondage which caused you to be bound in sin and fear.

The word adoption in Rom 8:15 refers to your engraftment into God's family. You were a stranger to God's family, and a slave to sin previously but by identifying with Christ you became a child of God, adopted into the family with all the full rights and privileges of the 1st Son, Jesus Christ.

When you became a son of God your past was wiped away and it was as though you were always a son. Now, you can confidently approach the Father with boldness because of your status as a child of God. This why you can use the affectionate term Abba, and say Abba Father.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Living an Effective Life

According to scripture in 2 Pe 1:3, everything that you need to live the life that God has called you live has been given to you by the power of God through your knowledge of Him. The word life in this verse of scripture is from the Greek word Zoe, which refers to the God kind of life. The God kind of life is not an ordinary life; it is not an average life.

Friend, you must learn how to access the power of God in order to live an effective life. Without the manifestation of the power of God in your life you will not experience the fullness of life. God has made that power available to you by sending His Holy Spirit to dwell in every believer. You must consciously acknowledge the Holy Spirit, and yield yourself to His direction and promptings. This is key to living an effective life.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Watch the impossible become a reality

According to scripture in Isa 59:16, God had to step in to rescue humanity. He did not find a man who had all the capabilities to redeem man i.e. an intercessor who was righteous. Therefore He sent His only Son, at the time, to die on our behalf. Jesus died as the only son of God. He resurrected as the first son of God amongst billions of sons to follow. Friend you and I are now children of God because of Jesus' victory.

When Jesus left, He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. One of the roles of the Holy Spirit is as an intercessor. An intercessor is one who stands in the place of prayer to bridge the gap between man and God. This gives God the permission to step into the human arena and effect changes. Now that we have the Holy Spirit in us, we can intercede effectively - Rom 8:26-27. Leverage your partnership with the Holy Spirit, the greatest intercessor. Let the prayer begin and watch as the impossible becomes a reality in the lives of others.

Monday, May 13, 2013

You must be confident

The power of God is resident in the Holy Spirit. This current generation is marked by the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus left He sent the Holy Spirit to reside in us. This is the same Holy Spirit who is described as the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and reverence in Is 11:2.

Friend, as a child of God, the Holy Spirit resides in you. This means that you have access to the power of God as well as all the attributes described in Is 11:2. Therefore there is nothing in the world that can stop you because the Holy Spirit is greater than anything that the world can throw at you - 1 Jn 4:4. It's time to face any situation with confidence because you know that with the Holy Spirit on your inside you cannot be defeated.

Friday, May 10, 2013

There's no need to struggle

When Jesus left, He sent the Holy Spirit to abide in us. By doing so He also anointed us through the Holy Spirit to function effectively in life - 1 Jn 2:20. WIthout the anointing of God you cannot accomplish all that God has called you to do. You will be ineffective because what God intends for you to do in life will take more than your abilities to complete.

The anointing to function is the divine enablement endowed on a believer to function beyond his natural abilities. As a believer you have access to the anointing. It has already been made available for you through the Holy Spirit. You must acknowledge it and consciously walk in it. You do this by spendimg time in the Word of God, prayer and fasting. Then you stay sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit; allow Him to lead you and follow His instructions.

The anointing to function is available for every area of your life - family, ministry, career, business, etc - 1 Jn 2:27. The anointing package includes wisdom, strength, favor, etc. There's no need for you to struggle any longer. You have the anointing to function.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

You will have a 100% success rate

According to scripture - Pro 20:27, the spirit of a man is the lamp of The Lord. You see God is spirit - Jn 4:24 and man is made in the image and likeness of God - Gen 1:26. Therefore man is essentially a spirit. Man is a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body. This is why God leads man through the spirit. God seeks to direct man onto the prefect path.

For you to do all that God has called you to do or to become all that God has called you to be you must be led by the spirit. You must be sensitive to the leanings and promptings of the Spirit of God. The word lamp is used in Pro 20:27 to signify illumination and clarity. God shines light onto your path through your spirit to direct you. Friend learn to yield to the directions of God and you will never fail. As long as you remain committed to God's instructions you will have a 100% success rate.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Use your words to create your world

According to scriptures, Gen 1:2, the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the earth. The Spirit of God did to go into action until God began to speak. As God spoke His Spirit began to cause what God said to come to pass.

Friend God created you in His image and likeness - Gen 1:26. He intended for you to operate as He does. God does not keep quiet about His desires. Rather he proclaims them. Likewise you must speak your desires, consistent with God's word. As you declare them, the Holy Spirit will go into action and cause what you have declared verbally to come to pass.

Monday, May 6, 2013

You are not alone

When Jesus was leaving He said that He will send the Holy Spirit as another helper like Jesus was to His disciples - Jn 14:16. The phrase another helper is translated from the Greek phrase Allos Parakletos. The full meaning of this phrase is another one of the same kind. In the same way that someone wearing a black round neck t-shirt can give you another round black neck t-shirt. If he gave you a t-shirt that was of a different color or style of neck it would not be another t-shirt of the same kind. Jesus was effectively saying that just as He was a guide, intercessor, companion, mentor, teacher, friend, prophet, etc. to the disciples the Holy Spirit would be the same to us.

In order for the Holy Spirit to help you, you must give him the permission; you must allow Him to help you. He lives inside of you but He will not suppress your will. In order for Him to move on your behalf then you must consciously allow Him. One of the ways that the Holy Spirit is meant to help us is in our prayers. There are so many things that we pray for. However there are so many more things that you should be praying for that you don't even know of. This is where the Holy Spirit comes in. God has given us access to a supernatural language. The Holy Spirit guides you to pray appropriately as you pray using this supernatural language.

So in order to maximize your life and live to your fullest potential you will have to yield to the supernatural help from the Holy Spirit. To do otherwise is to live a limited life. If there was no value to His help, Jesus would not have sent Him to us. I want to encourage you today to allow the Holy Spirit to help you in every area of your life. Consciously ask for His help and assistance and be sensitive to His promptings. As you do so you will enjoy outstanding results - Job 32:8 & 1 Jn 2:20.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

You must stand your ground and claim your victory

Scripture refers to the devil as a relentless thief - Jn 10:10. His sole mission in life is to destroy humanity. His hatred for humanity is based on the fact that man has what he originally desired. He desired to be like God and rebelled when he did not get this desire granted - Isa 14:14. This desire was not consistent with God's plan and purpose for the devil. 

However when God created man, He made man like Himself - Gen 1:26. From that point on the devil has sought to destroy man. Thank God that after Adam yielded himself to the devil's plans, God had a restoration plan - Gen 3:15. It is because of the victory of Jesus at Calvary that we have regained access to the God-kind of life - Jn 10:10. Jesus came so that we can have that life to an overflowing measure. 

So the stage has been set for our victory. We are united with, and are sons of God - 1 Cor 12:12-14. Therefore Jesus' victory is our victory. There is no longer any way for the devil to defeat us. This does not stop him from trying; he is a thief afterall. Irrespective of what he throws at you, you must stand your ground and remember that you have already won. Be of good cheer, Jesus won the victory for us - Jn 16:33. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Your obedience leads to your promotion

God gave certain conditions for walking in the blessing in Deuteronomy chapter 28. In verse 1 He mentions that for man to walk in the blessing he must obey the instructions and commandments of God. Then God goes on to say in the same verse that as a result of this obedience man will be set high above the nations of the earth.

God is ready, willing and able to promote you - Psa 75:6-7. For you to be promoted and be the head and not the tail - Deut 28:13, you must do it God's way; by making God's Word your standard and obeying every instruction He gives you to the fullest extent. You see partial obedience is still disobedience. You cannot expect the fullness of the manifestation of God when you have only gone part of the way.

Don't be like King Saul who lost his position because he disobeyed God and only obeyed God partially - 1 Sam 13:13-14, 1 Sam 15:22-23. I implore you to make a decision today to be totally obedient to the Word and instructions of God. Then you will be qualified for promotion.

You have supernatural insurance over all your affairs

In Mal 3:10 God was describing the insurance policy of the believer. His instructions were that the tithe serves as an insurance policy against the devices of the enemy. God says that as we minister the tithe unto Him, He will cause such a rain of the blessing to come upon us that we will not have room enough to contain it. In Mal 3:11 He says that the enemy will be rebuked for the sake of the tither.

Friend, tithing has not passed away. Abraham paid tithes - Gen 14:19-20 - and it is unto the blessing of Abraham that we are called unto - Gal 3:13-14. Your tithe is not based on what is left over. Rather it is the first tenth of all of your income. Irrespective of your income level your bills and expenses should never take the place of your tithe. God instructs us to pay this tenth in order that the remaining 90% can be insured and blessed.

You must make a decision to be committed to paying your tithe. Then you can enjoy complete divine insurance over your affairs.

Friday, May 3, 2013

You are blessed

When Jesus died and resurrected He paid the price for our redemption. By virtue of His victory He made a way for us to be restored back into right standing with God. By identifying with His death and resurrection we are restored back into the blessing which man lost when Adam sinned - Gal 3:13. The blessing is the empowerment to succeed, excel and prosper.

You must settle it once and for all; you are blessed. This cannot be reversed - Num 23:20. Irrespective of how situations may appear, you are still blessed - Num 23:19. Friend you must learn to face situations and declare the truth of God's Word over those situations. As you do so you are super imposing the truth of God's word over the facts of the situation. 

As you consistently develop faith in God's word and back that up with your confession of God's word and corresponding actions, you will walk in the manifestations of the blessing. You are empowered to succeed, excel and prosper in all your endeavors. This cannot be reversed.