According to scripture the words that come out of a man's mouth come from the core of the man - Pro 18:4. In other words what a man says and the wisdom that he displays through his speech is dependent on what is stored in his spirit. Pro 4:23 goes ahead to buttress this: "keep your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life." Heart here refers to the spirit of a man.
Every child of God has the Holy Spirit dwelling on his inside. The Holy Spirit is greater than anything in the world - 1 John 4:4. The child of God has continuous access to the superior wisdom of God at all times and in all situations. Therefore the wellspring of wisdom inside a believer is like a flowing brook that never runs dry; it always supplies words of wisdom - Pro 18:4.
The supernatural wisdom of God is available to you as a child of God. However you must dig deep in the Word in your personal time and be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. You have what it takes to succeed in every situation by virtue of the Holy Spirit dwelling on your inside. It's time to take your rightful place and excel by the wisdom of God.
Have an exceptional day!
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