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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wisdom Leads to Success III

God desires that you live a glorious life; He always wants the best for you. This is why He stores up His wisdom and hides it away for your benefit - 1 Cor 2:7. He does this so that the enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy - John 10:10 - will not gain access to this wisdom. 

The wisdom of God can be accessed by a child of God. As a child of God the Holy Spirit dwells on your inside - 1 John 4:4. The Holy Spirit is a teacher and a revealer; He specializes in revealing the deep things of God to the children of God. 

Friend allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the wisdom of God to you. As you read the word of God be conscious of His presence. As you face situations be aware and listen for His promptings. Then follow His guidance and apply the wisdom of God. You will enjoy a 100% success rate. 

Have an exceptional day!

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