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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Live on Purpose

John 9:4.

You only have one life to live. Eventualy your time on earth will be done. God has promised all believers that He will bless us with long life. However our time on earth is not infinite.

God, the one who gave you that life, sent you here in an assignment. This assignment is to be completed during your time on earth. While you still have the opportunity to, you must work on completing that assignment and fulfill your purpose.

Don't waste this opportunity. Make a conscious decision to live on purpose.

Monday, January 28, 2013

You have grace for your assignment

2 Ti 1:9.

God called us with a specific purpose in mind. And he allocated grace for us to accomplish all that He created us to do.

Irrespective of how glamorous and exciting another person's purpose may seem, you must never downplay your purpose. In God's eyes everyone's purpose is important. This is why He allocated grace for each purpose.

Grace is not just unmerited favor but grace also speaks of God's willingness to make His ability and power available for us.

So as you go living a purposeful life and fulfilling purpose remember that you are not in it alone. Factor in the grace of God.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Celebrate Your Uniqueness

We have all been given gifts. Our package of gifts is unique.

Your gifts point to your areas of strength. Learn to recognize your gifts and thus your strengths. Then focus on your strengths. Let working around and developing your strengths be a priority.

You must celebrate your uniqueness because in your uniqueness lies the capacity to fulfill your God-given purpose.

You must Live on Purpose

The psalmist in Psa 139:14 expresses his awe and wonder at his creation. He acknowledges the miracle of his creation by expressing praise to God.

You see God created you and I to be unique. There are numerous details to us which are not duplicated in anyone else. This is true even of 'identical' twins.

You are packaged the way you are in order to fulfill your destiny. The reason why no two people can ever be a perfect replicate of the other is because each of us has a unique purpose.

When you truly grasp just some of the details in your creation and all the finesse it took to create each human being, you can only break out in praise and adoration to God for packaging you just right for your assignment.

Friend, you are uniquely and wonderfully made. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. God packaged you right. So go forth and live the life He called you live; live on purpose.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

You are Important to this Generation

In Gal 1:15 Apostle Paul was illustrating the process of God's call. He started by saying that 'when it pleased God'. This phrase is indicative of the timing of God. The Bible says that God makes all things perfect in His time. There is a divine timing of God. God released us into our generation with this time and season in mind. There is something that each of us possesses that we are meant to serve to our generation. God chose us for such a time as this.

The next phrase that Apostle Paul used is 'separated from my mother's womb'. This phrase speaks of something that was determined beforehand. Even before you were born and before you were an idea in your parents mind God had a specific purpose for you. He said this to Jeremiah - Jer 1:5. There is no need for us to manufacture our purpose. There is no need for us to live another person's life. God's purpose for our lives is sure. We must spend enough time in His presence to download the details of the purpose for which He created us.

The third phrase that Apostle Paul used was 'called through grace'. Here He acknowledged that it is by the grace of God that we are called. God's purpose for your life is not based on merit; it cannot be earned. It is by the grace of God that we can fulfill our purpose. The grace of God is not just God's unmerited favor. It is also God's willingness to make all of His power and ability available for you and I.

It is clear from this scripture in Gal 1:15 that Paul knew the call of God upon his life. He was clear about his God-given purpose and what it will take to accomplish all that God has called Him to do. I encourage you today, irrespective of what you may have been told, God had a purpose in mind for you when He released in this time and season. Spend time in God's presence seeking to understand His purpose for your life. Then factor in His grace so that you can accomplish all that He has called to to do.

Your God-given purpose

God has a plan for your life. Before you were conceived He had a purpose for you. God's purpose for your life has not changed. You must make it a priority to fulfill your God-given purpose in life. This is the key to finding relevance in life.

Your time is now. You were created to serve this generation. The world is waiting for you to manifest. But first you must spend time in His presence to know your purpose. Then you must dedicate your life to fulfilling this purpose.

Friday, January 18, 2013

God Has All The Answers

Jer 33:3.
Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. NKJV.

God is all knowing. He has all the answers that you will ever need. To access this knowledge you simply have to ask.

What is it that is facing you in 2013? Nothing is too big or too difficult for God. Bring those things before God and He will show you the way; He will even show you things that you did not know of.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Things Will Work Out For You

Rom 8:28 is one of our favorite scriptures. We like to quote this scripture especially the part that says all things work together for our good. But if you read on you will see that this is dependent on 2 things: loving God, and being called according to His original design and intent for us.

When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you were called into a life of love. Jesus instructed us to love God. This love is the God-kind of love which is sacrificial, giving, etc. you and I must consciously walk in and demonstrate this love for God.

Rom 8:28, as mentioned earlier goes on to speak about God's purpose for our lives. In Jer 1:5 God told Jeremiah that He had a plan for his life before he was born. Likewise God had an intent in mind for each of us when He released us into this world. We must consecrate ourselves to God, and dedicate our lives to fulfilling our God-given purpose.

As we commit to loving God and living out our God-given purpose, the Bible says that God will cause all things to work out for us. God has already made a provision for our success. Let's do our part, and then we shall enjoy good success.

Monday, January 14, 2013

God is Faithful

God is faithful to do what He said He would do. The Bible says that He is not man that He should lie, if He said it, He is faithful to do it - Num 23:19 & Isa 55:11. Our hope or expectation is based on faith in God and His Word. At the same time hope acts as a catalyst for faith.

According to Heb 10:23 we must remain committed to our profession of hope and not waver. If our hope is based on a revelation of God's Word or a spoken Word from God then there is no need to doubt or waver. However if our hope is based on mental assent then that hope will eventually give way to doubt.

Whatever you are believing God for in this season must be anchored on God's Word. Then you can be rest assured that He who promised is faithful to deliver. Begin to rejoice and praise God now because you have received it - Heb 11:1 & 2 Cor 5:7.

Scripture References:

Num 23:19 NKJV
"“God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"

Isa 55:11 NKJV
"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."

Heb 10:23 NKJV
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful."

Heb 11:1 NKJV
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

2 Cor 5:7 NKJV
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Power for Outstanding Results

You have the capacity to generate great power for outstanding results. According to the word of God in Jam 5:16 when a righteous man prays according to the will of God and inspired by the Holy Spirit, he triggers the release of divine energy. This divine energy has the creative ability to accomplish much more than you think or imagine - Eph 3:20. Jesus illustrated this several times in His ministry.

It's time for you and I to do great exploits - Dan 11:32 & Jn 14:12. One of the keys to accomplishing these great exploits is consistent, persistent, vigorous and committed prayer based on God's Word.

Friday, January 11, 2013

You are victorious!

Jn 16:33.

Jesus died at the cross and resurrected. He conquered the forces of the enemy and thus was victorious. He secured this victory for all those who will believe in His name and receive Him as Lord and savior - 1 Jn 5:4-5, Rom 8:37, 1 Jn 4:4.

Jesus was speaking to His disciples in Jn 16:33. He was reassuring them. He said to them that although there would be trials, tribulations, persecutions, challenges, etc. they did not need to be worried or concerned. Rather they should be at peace; confident in the victory that Jesus would obtain at the cross.

Jesus was not just referring to His disciples but to you and I, who are in a right relationship with Him. So the victory that you desire over the circumstances or challenges that you face has already been secured by Christ for you. Your ability to walk in this victory will be determined by how much revelation of this victory you have.

As you face challenges in this new year, be rest assured that you have already overcome. Your faith in God's Word concerning your victory is born out of revelation of God's Word. Seek out what God's Word says about your victory by searching though scriptures.

As you meditate on those scriptures you will come to a point that you receive revelation. Meditate on those scriptures until you have an image of victory in those challenging situations. Then celebrate victory irrespective of the natural circumstances - 2 Cor 4:16-17.

You celebrate because you have received your victory in the spiritual realm, where everything is created. Once you receive it in the spiritual realm, it will eventually manifest in the natural - Heb 11:1. So be of good cheer, Jesus has secured your victory - Jn 16:33.

God Loves the Humble

Jam 4:6.

The Bible in Jam 4:6 indicates that God loves humility but does not like pride. It goes further to say that God's grace is available to the humble.
God's grace is not just the unmerited favor of God, grace also speaks of God making His ability and power available for us.

The condition for walking in grace is humility. Humility is key in prayer. You must approach God in humility in the place of prayer.

Humility leads to exaltation - Mt 23:12. Pride leads to a fall - Pro 16:18. So choose wisely; choose humility.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

It's time for your success!

3 Jn 1:2.

The prayer in 3 Jn 1:2 was for prosperity in all areas of life. You see it is God's will that we prosper in every area of life. God doesn't just want us to prosper in our spirits but not in our bodies or souls. In fact God's idea of prosperity goes beyond our spirits, souls and bodies.

The word prosper is loaded. It speaks of wholeness, and nothing missing, nothing broken. It encompasses every area of life. It is God's desire that we prosper in our families, careers, businesses, finances, etc.

When Jesus defeated the enemy, and rose up from the grave, He conquered sin, sickness and poverty - 2 Cor 5:21, 1 Pe 2:24 and 2 Cor 8:9. Jesus did all this for you and I; so that we could walk in victory and in the fullness of God's plan for our lives.

It is time for us to take our rightful place. Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have access to the blessing - Gal 3:13; you are no longer subject to the curse. The blessing is what truly makes a man to prosper - Pro 10:22. The stage has already been set for you. Go forth and prosper in all things.

Heal Our Nation

2 Ch 7:14.

God stands ready to heal our nation. But first we must do our parts. As children of God we have the authority to change our world. In order to do this we must come to God in reverence and prayer, and intercede on behalf of our nation.

God is willing and able to turn things around. However He needs men and women who will invite Him onto the scene.

God wants to restore our nation, so enlist in the restoration team now. In your prayer time, take time out to seek God's face and pray for our nation.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Keys to Success (1)

Keys to Success (1) - Abide in God's Word
Jos 1:8.

When Joshua assumed leadership of the people of Israel from Moses, the instruction to Him was clear. The key to his success would lie in his abiding in the Word of God. God instructed Joshua to abide in His Word by meditating on His word all the time. In so doing Joshua would remain conscious about God's Word and God's promises.

The scripture in Jos 1:8 goes on to say that by abiding in God's Word, Joshua would make his own way prosperous and will enjoy good success. Herein lies the missing link for many children of God.

We have spent too much time waiting on God to do something when His word is clear about what He expects us to do. You make your own way prosperous and you determine your own success by whether you abide in God's Word continuously.

The concept of prosperity doesn't just refer to finances. It speaks of success, goodness, wholeness, etc. in every aspect of life. It is a reference to having nothing missing or broken.

God has packaged His Word for our deliverance, elevation, prosperity and success. The Bible says that the Word of God is spirit and life; it is full of power. In the beginning God spoke this planet into existence.

The power in His words were evident during creation. This same power backs up His written word. In order to release this power for exploits, we must remain in the Word until we come to a point of revelation. Then and only then can we on the Word, and walk in the manifestations of the Word.

Pray with Confidence

Jam 1:6.

James instructs us that when we make a request to God in prayer, we must do so confident in God's ability to deliver. If your prayer is not done in faith and you have any doubt then you will have no confidence in your prayer.

Prayer without faith and confidence in God's ability to deliver is ineffective. Spend time developing faith based on God's Word. Then you will have confidence in God's ability to deliver.

Remain in confidence during and after you pray. Once you have prayed, believe you have received it. The physical manifestation is just around the corner.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Praying the Will of God

Luk 11:2.
Jesus was teaching His disciples how to pray. One of the key things he taught them is to pray out the will of God.
God has given us authority on this planet. For His will to be carried out, He needs men or women to stand in intercession.
As you pray remember the instructions of Jesus. Pray out the will of God so that His will can be enforced on the earth.