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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Things Will Work Out For You

Rom 8:28 is one of our favorite scriptures. We like to quote this scripture especially the part that says all things work together for our good. But if you read on you will see that this is dependent on 2 things: loving God, and being called according to His original design and intent for us.

When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you were called into a life of love. Jesus instructed us to love God. This love is the God-kind of love which is sacrificial, giving, etc. you and I must consciously walk in and demonstrate this love for God.

Rom 8:28, as mentioned earlier goes on to speak about God's purpose for our lives. In Jer 1:5 God told Jeremiah that He had a plan for his life before he was born. Likewise God had an intent in mind for each of us when He released us into this world. We must consecrate ourselves to God, and dedicate our lives to fulfilling our God-given purpose.

As we commit to loving God and living out our God-given purpose, the Bible says that God will cause all things to work out for us. God has already made a provision for our success. Let's do our part, and then we shall enjoy good success.

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