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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Outstanding Results II

In Jos 1:6-7 God encouraged Joshua as he was embarking on his God-given assignment. Joshua had just been anointed successor to Moses. He had seen the challenges that Moses had in leading the Jews. It is possible that the size of the task appeared daunting to him. Joshua needed encouragement for the road that lay ahead.

In John 16:33, Jesus says that there will be trials and challenges along the way. However Jesus says that we should be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. You see there is no situation that you will face that you are not able to overcome by the help of God - 1 Cor 10:13. When Jesus overcame, every one who identified with His victory also overcame. One of the keys to you overcome in every situation is by the wisdom of God. You must prioritize the wisdom of God - Pro 4:7 - because it is the principal thing. 

In 1 Sam 30 David was faced with a very challenging situation. Not only had he lost all his family and possessions but his men had lost everything too. How was David, their leader going to face them? His men must have blamed David because scripture says in 1 Sam 30:6 that they began to contemplate stoning him. What was David's response? David strengthened himself in God. In other words he encouraged himself in the Lord. 

David had seen the wisdom of God in manifestation as he killed Goliath, evaded Saul and won battles. He knew that if he could get the word of God for this particular situation then his victory will be manifested. 1 Sam 30:8 reveals this clearly. David asked God for the next step. How many believers would have reacted the same way in the face of such a major challenge and one of the lowest point of their lives? The reality is not many would. However God's expectation is that you will ask and seek for His wisdom in every situation.

David and his men eventually pursued the enemy, and recovered all that they lost plus interest. David obeyed the Word of God and therefore he was able to walk in the wisdom of God. He succeeded in the face of a situation that seemed insurmountable in the natural perspective. What situation do you find yourself in that seems so difficult? Strengthen yourself in God. Ask and seek His wisdom. He will grant His wisdom to you liberally. Just as David enjoyed, you will also enjoy your victory by the wisdom of God. Have an exceptional day. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Prevailing Wisdom

God has given us His Word so that we can tap into His Wisdom. You see the wisdom of God can be found in His Word. According to scripture in Jer 8:9, the men who rejected the Word of God had no wisdom. 

As a child of God, the Word of God must be precious to you. You must create time to dig into the Word of God on a consistent basis. God told Joshua that as he spent time meditating on the Word of God, he will make his way prosperous - Jos 1:8. In other words, Joshua needed to meditate on the Word of God on a continuous basis in order to access and release the wisdom of God needed to succeed in all that he was called to do.

Enough of trying to make it on your own. Man was never designed to live by his own natural wisdom. Rather God makes His wisdom available through His Word so that you and I can live the life we were created for. Friend, be excited that you are not on your own. In every situation the wisdom of God prevails. As you access and apply the wisdom of God in all of your endeavors, you will enjoy tremendous success.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

No More Limits

As a child of God you are righteous; justified with the ability to stand before God without any sense of guilt and condemnation. This is because the sacrifice of Jesus took care of every sin that you have or will commit. When you identified with this sacrifice, your old nature was replaced with a brand new nature. 

One of the benefits of being a child of God is that you now have access to the divine wisdom of God - Luk 1:17. Before you became born again, you only had access to natural wisdom. Natural wisdom is based on the  natural senses. By definition natural wisdom is limited because there is only so much man can know or discover by his own wisdom.

However the wisdom of God is perfect - Jam 3:16. This wisdom has no limits or bounds. This is because the source of this wisdom is God. God is all-knowing and can be present everywhere at the same time. He existed before time began and continues to exist outside of time. He knows the end from the beginning and everything in between.

Friend get excited because now there is no more limits on you. You don't have to be stranded or confused. You don't have to struggle to make progress. Your Father in Heaven has made His wisdom available for you. It will take the wisdom of God in order for you to fulfill your destiny. Prioritize this wisdom - Pro 4:7; it is the principal thing. Ask God in faith for His wisdom - Jam 1:15-16 -  and He will surely grant it to you. You were made to rule and reign in life by the wisdom of God - Dan 2:21-22. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Wisdom that makes a difference

True wisdom only begins when you begin to respect and revere God - Pro 9:10. Fear in this scripture refers to respect, reverence and honor. Without respect and honor for God and the value of His wisdom you will continue to go back to natural wisdom. However where natural wisdom is limited, the wisdom of God has no limits. Where natural wisdom can fail, the wisdom of God is perfect and has a 100% success rate - Jam 3:17. 

Friend learn to respect God and place His wisdom above all other forms of wisdom. God has made His wisdom available. The first step to accessing His wisdom is identifying with the sacrifice and victory of Jesus. Then you must seek out the wisdom of God in prayer and in His Word. Allow God to lead you through the Holy Spirit and don't rely on your natural wisdom. 

As you walk in the manifested wisdom of God you will enjoy outstanding results. Others will marvel as your life becomes remarkable. 

Have an exceptional day!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wisdom Leads to Success III

God desires that you live a glorious life; He always wants the best for you. This is why He stores up His wisdom and hides it away for your benefit - 1 Cor 2:7. He does this so that the enemy who seeks to steal, kill and destroy - John 10:10 - will not gain access to this wisdom. 

The wisdom of God can be accessed by a child of God. As a child of God the Holy Spirit dwells on your inside - 1 John 4:4. The Holy Spirit is a teacher and a revealer; He specializes in revealing the deep things of God to the children of God. 

Friend allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the wisdom of God to you. As you read the word of God be conscious of His presence. As you face situations be aware and listen for His promptings. Then follow His guidance and apply the wisdom of God. You will enjoy a 100% success rate. 

Have an exceptional day!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Outstanding Results

The wisdom of God is perfect; it has a 100% success rate - Jam 3:17. In other words you cannot fail if you walk in divine wisdom. If anything that resembles failure is present then it was not the wisdom of God in operation. According to scripture in Matt 11:19, divine wisdom will always produce results. It will be evident to everyone that divine wisdom was in operation.

Friend if you want to live a life characterized by lasting success then you must rely on the wisdom of God and not natural wisdom - Ecc 10:10. The wisdom of God is limitless while natural wisdom is limited. The wisdom of God always seeks good out of every situation. On the other hand the motive of natural wisdom can be questionable.

You have the Greater One, the Holy Spirit, living inside of you as a child of God - 1 John 4:4. He is there to lead, guide and teach you. Acknowledge His presence, and consciously tap into His wisdom in the place of prayer and reading the Word, so that you can excel in every area of life.

Have an exceptional day!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Wisdom leads to success II

According to scripture the words that come out of a man's mouth come from the core of the man - Pro 18:4. In other words what a man says and the wisdom that he displays through his speech is dependent on what is stored in his spirit. Pro 4:23 goes ahead to buttress this: "keep your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life." Heart here refers to the spirit of a man.

Every child of God has the Holy Spirit dwelling on his inside. The Holy Spirit is greater than anything in the world - 1 John 4:4. The child of God has continuous access to the superior wisdom of God at all times and in all situations. Therefore the wellspring of wisdom inside a believer is like a flowing brook that never runs dry; it always supplies words of wisdom - Pro 18:4. 

The supernatural wisdom of God is available to you as a child of God. However you must dig deep in the Word in your personal time and be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. You have what it takes to succeed in every situation by virtue of the Holy Spirit dwelling on your inside. It's time to take your rightful place and excel by the wisdom of God.

Have an exceptional day!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Wisdom and Patience

Human beings are naturally impatient. There is a spirit of impatience that is pervasive in the world. People tend to want to know everything now and to have all the answers immediately. Most times people don't want to spend the time required to acquire the wisdom needed. 

As a child of God you are called to live by faith. A life lived by faith is a life lived in patience. God will reveal things to you line upon line and precept upon precept - Isa 28:10. He will not reveal everything to you all at once because this can damage your walk of faith. You see faith is believing in the unseen based on the Word of God.

God's wisdom is limitless. This wisdom is available to you. He wants to shower this wisdom upon you. However you must be committed to walking with Him and remaining in His presence. You will not be able to download all of the wisdom that you require all at once. However along the path to fulfilling your journey God will reveal you what is necessary for every phase of your life.

Friend make the wisdom of God a priority; it is the principal thing. Remain patient as you walk with God. He will not forsake you. Rather He will reveal His wisdom to you along the way. By His divine wisdom you will rule and reign in life.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Irresistible Wisdom

Jesus promised in Luk 21:15 that He will give you such wisdom that others will find irresistible and irrefutable. You see the wisdom of God is perfect and complete. When you are operating in this wisdom your results are undeniable. 

This was evident in the life of Stephen. When the twelve disciples were looking for people to serve in the ministry of helps the qualifications included being full of wisdom and the Holy Spirit - Acts 6:3. Stephen was one the people selected who met the criteria. Later on in Acts 6:10 this was demonstrated in Stephen's results. According to scripture in Acts 6:8-10, Stephen did great things and the people were unable to resist wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke. 

Child of God, the wisdom of men is limited but the wisdom of God is limitless. When you operate in the wisdom of God, by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, you will enjoy outstanding results that speak for themselves. This wisdom is meant for your supernatural breakthrough. Factor in and release your faith for the divine wisdom of God in all of your endeavors so that you can impact your world as God intended. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Multiplied Wisdom

One of the most important ways to receive Godly wisdom is through Godly counsel. Godly counsel acts as a safety net on your path for fulfilling your destiny - Pro 11:14. In other words you will avoid mistakes and traps set by the enemy as a result of counsel received from others. Wise people realize that they don't know everything and they surround themselves with wise counselors.

Godly counsel can come from friends and mentors. This is why it is important to pay attention and to carefully select those who you allow to speak into your life. You can't just get advice from anyone. Look around you regularly, and evaluate those who are currently giving you advice. Are they suitable for your destiny?

Child of God don't take the source of your counsel lightly. This can be the difference between accelerating towards your goals or stagnating at the same level. Learn to be discerning by the help of the Holy Spirit. Permit the right people to counsel you and your wisdom will be multiplied.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The right relationships are important for your success

God has ordained certain relationships for your destiny. You must remain sensitive to those relationships and treat them as treasure. According to scripture in Pro 13:20, if you walk with wise men you will be wise. It if you are surrounded by fools you will walk in foolishness which results in destruction.

Friend you need the company of wise men in order to fulfill your destiny. There will be times is your life when you need the right word to encourage you. Other times you will need the right word to know what to do. If the people around you or in your company are full of Godly wisdom then you can be sure that the right words will be spoken in the right situation. On the other hand if those in your company are not full of Godly wisdom, the advice that you will get will take you off course in life.

So you must choose your friends wisely. This is an ongoing process. From time to time evaluate whether those who surround you are the relationships that you need for your destiny. Your future is too important to be subject to the wrong relationships based on sentiments.

Monday, October 21, 2013

As a child of God you are expected to live by faith - Rom 1:17. This faith is not meant to be based on natural wisdom. In other words you are not meant to live by the wisdom of men - 1 Cor 2:5. You see the wisdom of men is limited. Natural wisdom only goes so far. It is impossible for man to know everything there is to know.

Friend, God has made His wisdom available to you through His Word. You must tap into this wisdom regularly by spending time in His word. Feed your faith through the Word of God so that you can live as God intended. The wisdom of God has no limits and is applicable in every area of life. As you factor in the wisdom of God you will rule and reign in every area of life.

Have an exceptional day.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Wisdom leads to success

You need wisdom in order to excel in life. According to scripture in Pro 4:7, wisdom is the principal thing. In other words wisdom is the most important thing.

There are 2 kinds of wisdom - natural and divine wisdom. Natural wisdom is wisdom based on man's knowledge and is limited in nature. On the other hand divine wisdom comes from God and is unlimited. A life based on natural wisdom is a limited life.

However if you have access to divine wisdom then you will know what to do in every situation; you will never be left stranded or confused. Make it a priority to develop your relationship with God and His Word so that you can effectively access His divine wisdom.

Have an exceptional day.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Supernatural Health Insurance

God promised His people that if they obeyed His commandments they would not get sick - Ex 15:26. As a child of God you are one of His people. In this dispensation Jesus left you with two commandments - Matt 22:36-40 - with one word in common - love. As you translate Ex 15:26 into this dispensation then it's clear that obeying the commandments to love will ensure your freedom from sickness and disease.

Friend Jesus already died on the cross and was resurrected. He bore our sicknesses and diseases - Is 53:5 - so that we don't have to be sick. You see you were healed over 2,000 years as a result of the sacrifice of Jesus. One of the ways that you remain immune to sicknesses and diseases is to consistently walk in the love of God. You must resist every temptation to walk contrary to the God-kind of love with the help of the Holy Spirit - Rom 5:5.

A life of victory!

As a child of God in this age you are a partaker of the new covenant. This new covenant came into being as a result of the death and resurrection of Jesus. You were drafted into this covenant when you became born again. This new covenant is described as better than the old, previous covenant - Heb 8:6. As great as all the old testament men and women of God were they were operating in a covenant that is less than the new covenant.

One of the benefits of this new covenant which makes it better than the old covenant is the fact that you have God living in you, and not just God with or for you, as was the case in the old covenant. You see in the old dispensation God would come upon a man and enable this man to do what he was called to do. However in this dispensation God has sent the Holy Spirit to live on your inside 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This gives you an edge.

Friend, you are empowered to do great things because the Greater One dwells on your inside - 1 John 4:4. There is no need to fear whatever the world throws at you because you have what it takes to live a life of victory - 1 John 5:4. In every situation you win. Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit!

Have an exceptional day!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Love, a gateway to long life

God promised His people a long life - Ex 23:26. This promise extends to you who are now a child of God. As a child of God, God is committed to you living long to fulfill your purpose. One of the conditions for living a long life is love as outlined is Psa 91:14-16:

“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation.”

This series of scripture ends with a promise of long life and starts with love. It is a revelation of God's love for you - John 3:16 - and your love for God that causes you to confess Jesus as Lord and Savior. A life committed to love is a life devoid of strife, malice and unforgiveness.

Strife, malice and unforgiveness are blessing blockers. Where these are present evil is present including a short, unfulfilled life - Jam 3:16. You must avoid everything that is contrary to the love of God. Friend, God's desire is that you will live long. As a child of God long life is part of your salvation package. Don't be deceived into thinking otherwise. Love is the foundation of this long life.

Selfless Love II

You are called to love like God loves - Rom 5:5. The God kind of love is selfless and unconditional - 1 Cor 13:4-8. This love is not natural in nature; it is supernatural. In order to walk in the God kind of love you will need to tap into the assistance of the Holy Spirit - Rom 5:5. You will need to overcome the temptation to respond according to the flesh by the help of the Holy Spirit.

The God kind of love is sacrificial. It will cost you something. It will feel easier to not walk in love. In fact you may feel justified to walk in malice and strife in order to get a message across to another person. You may also feel that the other person doesn't deserve love because of their actions. However in all situations including these examples you are called to express the love of God - 1 Cor 13:4-8.

Friend God expects you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice - Rom 12:1. This means that you will have to ignore your flesh's desires to act contrary to the God-kind of love. In other words you will have to make the sacrifice to walk in the God-kind of love irrespective of the situation. No matter how difficult it may seem, you have what it takes to love like God. Let the love of God be expressed through you.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Selfless Love

According to scripture in Heb 10:10, you "have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." The word sanctified is translated from the Greek word 'hagiazo' which means separated unto God. In other words through the sacrifice of Jesus and your identification with this sacrifice you have been set apart from others to live a life aligned with God's instructions and directions.

One of the things you have been set apart for is to love like God loves. Jesus left you and I with two great commandments; to love God and to love your neighbor - Matt 22:36-40. Both commandments have one word in common - love. The word love used here refers to the God-kind of love which is a selfless love. In other words you are called to a life dedicated to selfless love.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Greatest Love III

One of the ways you can identify whether someone loves God is that they observe God's instructions and follow His directions - John 14:21. In order to truly love God you must first have a revelation of God's love. When you know the love of God then you will know that any instruction given by God is ultimately for your good. God cannot direct you into failure.

Friend your trust in God is dependent on your love for Him. You must trust that God only has good thoughts about you. His desire is for you to have a great future - Jer 29:11. As you trust God He will direct your paths into success - Pro 3:5-6.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Real love gives (2)

God demonstrated His love towards you by freely giving His Son as a sacrifice in order to redeem you from the enemy - Rom 8:32. His kindness and goodness did not end there. He has not suddenly changed His method of operation now that you are in the Kingdom. God loves you and is still in the business of freely giving.

Friend come boldly to God with your requests consistent with God's word - Heb 4:16. Spend time seeking out God's word and promises concerning your requests. Then approach God in faith and let go of any unforgiveness. When you do these Jesus said that you will receive what you have asked for - Mark 11:22-26.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Love and grace

God loves you so much. He loves you so much that even before you were conceived He executed a plan to redeem you from the enemy - Rom 5:8. God wanted you to be a part of His family. God accepted you into the family when you identified with the sacrifice and victory of Jesus; you became a member of the family when you confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior over your life. Your past did not (and does not) matter. That is the love of God in demonstration.

You see there are still many believers stuck in condemnation even though the Bible lets us know that there is now no condemnation unto those who are children of God - Rom 8:1. As a child of God you can come boldly before God without any sense of guilt and condemnation - Heb 4:16. There is nothing you can do in the natural that will qualify you to be accepted by God. God loves you and accepts you as you are. Your acceptance by God is an act of grace.

Friend it doesn't matter what you may have done in the past, God still accepts you. The sacrifice of Jesus covers not just your past sins but is enough to cover your future sins. He knows that you are a work in progress. If an earthly father doesn't kick out his children from the house everytime they make a mistake, how much more God who doesn't disown you when you make a mistake. This is not an excuse to keep on sinning but rather it is to keep you free from condemnation so that you can keep pressing in to walk in the physical manifestation of your promised victory over sin - Rom 6:1, 1 Cor 10:13, Rom 6:14, 1 John 5:4.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Endless love

As a believer the love of God is the foundation upon which you grow and build - Eph 3:17. Your life in God started by love. It was love for you that caused God to offer His Son as a sacrifice in order to be reconciled to you - John 3:16. It was your appreciation of this love that caused you to identify with Christ and confess Him Lord and Savior over your life. It is the love of God that enables you to live by faith - Gal 5:6; faith in God who loves you.

The love of God is limitless, endless and without measure. As a child of God you will come to newer and more diverse revelations and experiences of the love of God. However you can never come to a point where you have compete knowledge of the love of God - Eph 3:18-19. The more you dig into the Word and the more you walk in the love of God, you realize that there is more to the love of God. According to scripture God's mercies are new every morning - Lam 3:23. Just when you think you have seen all of the love of God, He finds other ways to express His love towards us.

Friend this is the same expression of love that God is calling you to. Is there someone in your life that you have been expressing the love of God towards for some time in a variety of ways even though they don't deserve it? Are you tempted to get weary of loving them or to give up? You must dig deep and by the help of the Holy Spirit receive strength to keep on expressing the love of God. You have what it takes to love like God - Rom 5:5.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Real love gives

God demonstrated His love for mankind. Even when mankind was estranged and disconnected from Him spiritually, He sent His only Son at the time to take mankind's place and die on behalf of the entire human race - Rom 5:8. Jesus did not just die on mankind's behalf but He assumed all the past, present and future sins of mankind. It was as though He had committed those sins even though He lived a life devoid of sin - 2 Cor 5:21.

God knew that in order to redeem man from the enemy it would take something beyond the ordinary - John 3:16. Right after man sinned in the garden of Eden, God set His plan for man's redemption into motion - Gen 3:15. Jesus was the most precious and most valuable thing that God could sacrifice. Jesus came to fulfill God's plan. The sacrifice of Jesus is the greatest gift ever.

You see your giving is a demonstration of your love. Giving costs you something. You cannot truly love a person and be unwilling to give out of your time, resources, money, etc. It is love that causes someone to give gifts to their spouse. It is love that causes parents to sacrifice their time for the development of their children. Friend commit yourself to a life of giving and sacrifice as you demonstrate the love of God to others. Have an exceptional day.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Let Love Be Your Response

God has given you the capacity to love to be like a cloak in all situations. God wants you to put on love in every situation - Col 3:14. Just like it takes effort to put on your clothes, it will take effort to put on love. Also just as you adjust your wardrobe as the weather changes you will need to adjust your love walk consistent with the Word of God in various situations.

You will face people and situations that challenge your love walk on a continuous basis. You will be pushed to the brink. Jesus said that trials will come. Thank God that He equipped us to overcome every temptation. You have what it takes to love like God - Rom 5:5.

Friend, just as you never leave home without your clothes on, don't ever leave home without putting on the love of God. Stay in the love of God and express the love of God irrespective of the situation and in spite of others.

Have an exceptional day!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Greatest Love II

The God-kind of love is not natural; rather it is supernatural. You cannot walk in this kind of love in your natural, human abilities. It will take the supernatural assistance of God for you to walk in the God-kind of love - Rom 5:5. It will also require you to subject your natural tendencies and the resultant reactions to God's way of loving.

What does this mean? You see there is a natural reaction to situations and to others. When someone crosses you or betrays your trust there is a reaction that is natural. Looking at it in just natural terms this person doesn't deserve to be loved. However as a child of God you are expected to rise above that natural response and to love that person in spite of them and their actions.

God demonstrated this kind of love towards you and I - John 3:16. Then He gave you the capacity to love like He loves - Rom 5:5. Now is the time for you to rise up and subject your body to love - 1 Cor 9:27. Resist the temptation to love naturally and arise in the love of God with the help of the Holy Spirit.

'Have an exceptional day.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Walking in love

What does the love of God look like when it is in expression? When you are walking in and expressing the God-kind of love you will display kindness, tenderness and forgiveness - Eph 4:32. A life of love is a life of kindness, tenderness and forgiveness. God displayed all these characteristics when He sent His only Son at the time to die on your behalf even though we were still separated from Him - John 3:16.

Friend God expects you to be kind to other people in spite of them. He expects you to react to others with tenderness irrespective of whether they deserve it. When others wrong you or betray your trust, He expects you to respond with forgiveness no matter how many times they may have hurt you. This is what it means to walk in the God-kind of love.

Your love walk will be challenged frequently. However as you build yourself up in the Word of God and rely on the Holy Spirit to strengthen you, your capacity to express the love of God is enhanced. Let your light so shine before men as you shower them with kindness, tenderness and forgiveness.

A life of love

In Matt 22:36-40, Jesus responded to a question that was directed to Him about the greatest commandment. His response was centered around love. In Rom 13:8-10, there is further clarification on the instruction for you to walk in love. It is clear that God expects you to live a life of love.

A life of love is a life of service - Gal 5:13. You see you cannot truly love another person if you are not willing to serve them. What does it mean to serve them? Serving another person means doing things for them that are not convenient for you. It means giving them preference from time to time ahead of yourself. It means doing things for others that they cannot do by themselves.

As a child of God you are expected to walk in love in every situation. Therefore you are called to a life of service. Look around you and you will find people who need a helping hand in your immediate and surrounding circles. Express the God-kind of love and step in to serve them as needed. Let the love of God shine forth through you. Have an exceptional day.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Abundant Love

Jesus came so that we can have the life of God in an abundant measure - John 10:10. Life as referred to in John 10:10 is from the Greek word 'Zoe' which means the God-kind of life. According to 1 John 4:8, God is love. You can see therefore see that to have the life of God is to have a life of love, you are called to live a life overflowing with love.

What does it mean to live a life overflowing with love? A life overflowing with love is a life that expresses the God-kind of love by default in every situation. It is a life whose love tank is so full that it never runs dry rather it impacts and touches everyone and every situation.

How do you get to a point where you respond to everyone and every situation in love? You see the development of your love walk is a process. You already have the capacity to love like God - Rom 5:5. However you must consciously spend time in God's word and presence to cultivate your capacity to love. Then you must practice walking in love. Then just as a child learns to walk you will grow in your love walk.

Friend as a child of God you are called to a life of love - Rom 13:8. You are called to a life driven by the love of God - 2 Co 5:14. In other words the love of God drives you in very situation and relationship. Have an exceptional day!

Choose to Love no Matter what

God never forces His will on you. This is is why He gave you a soul which comprises of your mind, will and emotions. God allows you to make your own choices. He places the options before you and encourages you to make the right choice but He doesn't enforce His choice on you - Deut 30:19.

A choice for life is a choice for the life of God - Deut 30:19. A choice for life as God intends is a choice to love as God intends. God's desire is that you will abide in His life and thus in His love. You see one of the ways other people will know that you are a child of God and that they will see the light of God manifested in your life is through your expression of the love of God - 1 John 3:14.

Friend God expects every believer to express the love of God. As you abide in the life of God, your capacity to walk in love is enhanced. God expects that whenever there is a choice you will always choose the path of love. Let the light of God shine through you as you walk in love. Have an exceptional day.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

With the God-kind of love in expression you can't fail

Every child of God has the capacity to love - Rom 5:5. God knows the capacity of love to transform any situation and so He gave us the ability to love. It was God's love that caused Him to send His only Son at the time - John 3:16. Love was at the root of what transformed a situation that seemed impossible in the natural - Gen 3:16. As a result of Jesus' sacrifice billions of people today can declare that they are children of God.

What situation are you facing currently that seems impossible? God has already given you a blueprint for dealing with the situation. What would love do in that situation? God expects you to respond in love. Afterall scripture lets us know that love never fails - 1 Cor 13:8. If you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you through love you will not fail in that situation. Rather that situation will be supernaturally turned around.

Friend resist the temptation to respond naturally by the help of the Holy Spirit. Allow the supernatural love of God to flow freely from you. With the God-kind of love on your side you can't fail.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Let your light shine as you express the love of God (2)

Jesus said that you are a light unto the world - Matt 5:14. According to scripture in Isa 60:1, you are called to arise and shine in the midst of a dark world. One of the ways that you shine as light is your attitude towards others. Do you have a bad attitude towards others? Do you respond with the God-kind of love in the face of the most obvious provocation?

God expects you to respond with the God-kind of love irrespective of the situation. Jesus said that people will observe you as a child of God by your expression of the God-kind of love - John 13:35. Friend your love walk will be challenged every day. However as a child of God you have the nature of God and therefore you have the capacity to love like God - Rom 5:5. Let the love of God flow freely in your life by the help of the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The wonderful life of love

A miracle happened when you became born again. You were recreated. You old sinful spirit was replaced with a new spirit. With your old spirit went your old sinful nature. You were recreated with the righteous nature of God.

Your new spirit came with the in-built capacity to love. Previously envy, jealousy, malice, strife, etc. were so common and easy. Now as a new creation the God-kind of love should be the default. The problem is many believers still identify with their old nature and have not completely dissociated from it. You may be wondering why is it that I still do the things I did before which are inconsistent with the God-kind of love?

You see even though your spirit was recreated, your soul and body remained the same. Your soul is made up of your mind, will and intellect. So you will have to consciously work on the renewal of your mind by the Word of God - Rom 12:2 - with the help of the Holy Spirit. And then you will have to bring your body under subjection to God's system again by the help of the Holy Spirit. As you continue to do the things described in this paragraph your love walk becomes stronger and stronger, and your capacity to love is increased.

Welcome to a life initiated and established by love. Have an exceptional day!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

You must let go of the past

One of the ways the enemy uses to keep people in bondage is strife. You see even though God has called us to a life of love - Rom 13:8 - there are still many unbelievers who are living contrary to a life of love.

For example, a life lived outside of love is a life full of jealousy, malice, envy, strife, etc. As a child of God when you succumb to these the flow of the blessing in your life is compromised - Jam 3:16.

Friend you must resist every temptation to walk contrary to love by the help of the Holly Spirit irrespective of the situation. You have the capacity to love like God loves - Rom 5:5. God demonstrated this love to us - John 3:16.

Now is the time to walk in love towards others including those who may have wronged you in the past and those who will wrong you in the future - Rom 13:10-11.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Love seeks the best

Your willingness to lay down your life for another person is the the greatest expression of love that is possible. Jesus demonstrated this love towards mankind when even though man did not deserve it He willingly gave His life in mankind's place. 

You may never be asked to physically die for someone else like Jesus did. However on a daily basis there will be opportunities for you to lay aside your preferences and to give others the advantage because it means so much to them i.e. to resist the temptation to be selfish. This is what it means to walk in love. 

Friend are there areas of your life where you are prone to selfishness? You must examine those areas. Allow the Holy Spirit to assist you in overcoming the temptation to be selfish and express the God-kind of love by being selfless. You may need to go out of your way to help another person or to do something that is inconvenient to you but will be of great benefit to someone else. 

Learn to seek the good of others and not just yourself. This is what it means to walk in the God-kind of love. Have an exceptional day!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Love and success

Apostle Paul wrote in Rom 13:9, "...if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, You shall love your neighbor as yourself". He was sharing the blueprint for success in abiding by the instructions and commandments of God.

The God-kind of love is patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, does not dishonor others, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth - 1 Cor 13:4-6. It always protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres - 1 Cor 13:7. This is what it means to walk in and express the God-kind of love.

God has called us to a life of love - 1 John 4:7-11. When you walk in the God-kind of love towards others, you will not do anything that will harm them. Your desire will be to do good to them and not evil. You will not commit adultery, kill, steal, lie against another person, covet (have an evil desire) another person's property when you are walking in the God-kind of love.

According to 1 Cor 13:8, love never fails. If you stay committed to walking in the love of God you will not fail in abiding by the instructions and commandments of God.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

You are equipped to love

When Jesus was asked what is the most important commandment in the law that God gave Moses, He responded by saying, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind...You shall love your neighbor as yourself" - Matt 22:37-39. Jesus said that the law is summed up in these two commandments - Matt 22:40.

You see Jesus was essentially giving every believer the blueprint for a successful life. As a child of God if you live a life governed by the God-kind of love then you will walk according to the God's Word and expectations. In scripture this was likened to a debt: the only debt you are allowed to have forever is to love others - Rom 13:8.

Make a decision to love others in spite of who they are and what they have done. This is God's instruction for us. God Himself demonstrated this by giving His only Son at the time in order to redeem you and I. You are made in the image and likeness of God - Gen 1:26, and with the Holy Spirit on your inside you have the ability to love just as God loves - Rom 5:5.

No matter how many times you have been hurt you are called and equipped to rise up and love again. Arise and shine as you express the love of God. Have an exceptional day!

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Greatest Love

Gal 5:6. Amp.
For [if we are] in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith activated and energized and expressed and working through love.

Love can be described as the catalyst of faith. It takes love for faith to be activated and expressed. You see it took a revelation of the love of God for you to have faith in Jesus. You had to believe that God loves you so much that He sent His only son to die in your place so that He could redeem you from the enemy's camp.

Once you dedicate your life to God it takes the revelation of the love of God to continually live by faith. You have the ability to love God because He loves you - Rom 5:5. All things work out for your good because you love God - Rom 8:28. You have faith in God's ability to make all things work out for your good because you know He loves you.

This is what it means to have faith activated by love. Since love never fails - 1 Cor 13:8 - therefore faith activated by love cannot fail. As you live by love-activated faith - Rom 1:17 - you will succeed irrespective of the current situations. Make a decision today to walk in love and then you will enjoy the manifestations of the Word of God in your life.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Love can never fail

Scripture lets us know that love has a 100% success rate - 1 Cor 13:8. In other words love never fails. It is not possible for love to fail. God demonstrated this to us by sending His son Jesus to die in our place and thus redeeming us from the enemy. All this while man was cut off from God. The moment that we identify with Jesus' sacrifice and victory we are restored unto God. It's the God-kind of love that makes this possible.

God succeeded in His plan to redeem man because it was driven by love. What are the challenging situations facing you? What have people said is impossible for you to accomplish? Are there relationships that seem difficult or irreparable? If you would only apply and walk in the love of God that situation will turn around.

Why? One of the reasons why there will be a turn around is because walking in the God-kind of love will cause you to make the right choices; choices that are not selfish but rather bring about the best outcome. Friend remember that no matter how things appear, love never fails.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

You can do it!

When you dedicated your life to Jesus and He became your Lord and Savior, God, the Holy Spirit came to dwell on your inside. According to 1 Jn 4:8 God is love. If God is love this means that love came to dwell on your inside. Therefore you have the capacity for the God-kind of love on your inside - Rom 5:5.

The God-kind of love is unconditional. God demonstrated this to us by paying the greatest price for our redemption - John 3:16 - even when we did not deserve it and were separated from Him. This kind of love is in spite of the other parties.

This is the kind of love that we have been called to express. You have what it takes by the Holy Spirit to walk in the God-kind of love.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's time to excel in the love of God

There are many gifts that you may desire. These gifts of the spirit make a difference in the lives of people e.g. gifts of healing, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, etc. - 1 Cor 12:8-10,29-30. Yet scripture acknowledges that love is still the important foundation that is required.

You see the use of these gifts must be governed by the love of God. It is the love of God which causes compassion to rise in you for others. As a result of this compassion you are better able to utilize these gifts for the edification of others, and not for ulterior motives. This ultimately leads you to a life of excellence.

Friend desire to grow in your love walk so that you can fully and appropriately utilize the gifts of the spirit.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Let your light shine as you express the love of God

As a child of God, God expects you to love all those around you with the love of God and without discrimination. God does not expect you to select those whom you choose to love based on their race, background, economic status or how they look on the outside. Rather as a child of God He expects to love others in spite of their differences or commonalities with you.

Friend you are a representative of Jesus wherever you are. You are a light unto your world - Matt 5:14. People look up to you because of your status as a member of the Kingdom of God - Isa 60:1-2. You must set the standard by expressing the God-kind of love in every situation and towards everyone. Let your light shine before men - Matt 5:16 - as you walk in the love of God.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

You can love like God loves

When you identified with the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus you became born again; the nature of God was imputed into your spirit. As a result you now have the capacity to love; not just any kind of love but the God-kind of love - 1 Jn 4:7.

Your ability to love as God loves sets you apart from unbelievers. However your love walk will be tested constantly. These tests of your love walk are not meant to break or embarrass you. Rather as you practice your love walk through these situations you get better at expressing the God-kind of love.

Friend to be a child of God and to know God is to have the capacity to express the God-kind of love. Just as a child learns to walk you will need to learn how to develop your love walk. However be rest assured that you are not alone.

Renew your mind with the Word of God in the area of the God-kind of love and engage the Holy Spirit. Then use every opportunity to express the God-kind of love as an opportunity to develop in your love walk. Don't give up because with the Holy Spirit on your inside you will succeed.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

God's favor is always available

God demonstrated His grace towards you that when you were still estranged from Him He sent His son to die on your behalf in order to redeem you back from the enemy. Jesus did not just die in your place He bore all of your sins, sicknesses, poverty on Himself. He literally became your sins. It was as though He committed the sins even though He never sinned. This was not just a meaningless sacrifice; it was significant.

God looked around heaven, earth and the rest of the world. He could not find anyone else worthy to take your place. He needed someone without blemish whose blood had what it took to wipe out your past, present and future sins, and to redeem you back from your fallen state. Consider this: if God could do that while you were yet sinners imagine what He has set aside for you now that you are His children.

One of the definitions of the word grace is favor. God's favor in your life did not cease after you became born again. Rather it continues to be available for your advancement in life. You will rule and reign in life by the divine favor of God!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

It's time to enjoy the favor of God

God identified the Jews as His chosen people. As a result they enjoyed the favor of God. The favor of God caused them to experience an unprecedented wealth transfer - Ex 3:21. When it was time for them to leave captivity, after many years of slavery under the Egyptians, God instructed them to go and borrow all that they could from the Egyptians.

The Jews obeyed God's instructions. When they finally got to the Red Sea and crossed over to the other side they looked back and saw their captors chasing after them. Eventually the Red Sea reverted back and drowned the Egyptians. In that one scene every debt that the Jews owed was wiped out; there was no longer anyone to payback what they had borrowed. Those who had oppressed them for so long had perished.

Friend one key to enjoying God's favor is obeying His instructions. Daniel, Esther among many others obeyed God's instructions and enjoyed the favor of God. As you follow God's guidance completely there will be a manifestation of the favor of God. It's your time to be favored - Psa 102:13.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Favor, your supernatural ladder to promotion

The story of Joseph is illustrated in the Bible. In Gen 39:3, scripture refers to Potiphar's recognition that the Lord was with Joseph. It was because of the presence of God in Joseph's life that he enjoyed the divine favor of God - Gen 39:4. As a result of the manifestation of divine favor Joseph was elevated into the position as the overseer of Potiphar's house even though he was a slave!

Even after Joseph was incarcerated for a crime that he did not commit, the presence of God was still with him. Again the presence of God resulted in the manifestation of divine favor - Gen 39:21. As a result of the manifestation of divine favor Joseph was again promoted by the keeper of the prison, and all the prisoners were committed into Joseph's hand - Gen 39:22 - even though he was a prisoner!

Friend the divine favor of God will cause natural protocols and policies to be suspended on your behalf. The favor of God will cause men to favor you and this will result in your elevation and promotion. However it takes God's presence for His divine favor to be manifested. As a child of God in this era you have the presence of God abiding in you; the Holy Spirit dwells in you - 1 John 4:4. Expect the favor of God in every situation or location. Things will work out for you because of the presence of God.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Let the favor of God flow in your life

Lam 3:22-23.
22 Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.

Through the Bible God's character is evident. God is merciful, compassionate, faithful, kind, good, just, righteous, patient and much more. His desire is always for you to end up in a good place - Jer 29:11. God's compassion never ceases - Lam 3:22-23 - but they are continuous. Every moment of your life is an opportunity to experience the favor and compassion of God.

You access the favor and compassion of God by first accessing His Word. You must fill yourself up with the Word of God and maintain an environment around you that is conducive for the presence of God. As you do this you will begin to experience manifestations of the favor and compassion of God. You can take it a step further by not taking a break from the Word of God - through meditation and by constantly maintaing the right environment. Then the flow of compassion and favor in your life will be continuous.

Friend every thing in the natural world is set against you as a result of the fall of Adam. Thank God that by virtue of your identification with the risen Jesus you have what it takes to live above this natural order of decay. The continuous flow of God's favor and compassion in your life is part of your salvation package. Make a commitment today to do what it takes to maximize the favor and compassion of God in your life.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Shout, your victory is here!

According to scripture in Jam 1:17, "every good and perfect gift comes from God." The Bible goes on to let us know that God's thoughts towards us are "thoughts of good and not of evil, to bring you to an expected end or to give you a future and hope" - Jer 29:11. The Psalmist says "what is man that thou art mindful of him" - Psa 8:4. In Matt 7:11, Jesus says "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!"

All these scriptures refer to a good, loving and kind God. They refer to a God who is ready, willing and able to shower His children will favor. God's desire is that all things will work out for your good - Rom 8:28 - and that you will never lack any good thing - Psa 37:25. This is the nature of the God who loves you. Aren't you glad that this is the character of the God who loves you.

Friend have a positive attitude and expect the favor of God to manifest in every situation that you face. Expect that you will eventually end up in a good place irrespective of the situations that you face. After all Jesus said "but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Jesus overcame so that you can overcome. So don't let anyone or any situation get you down and depressed. Do your part by developing and releasing your faith concerning the promises of God, and standing firm on the Word of God. The manifestation of your victory is around the corner.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Access the secrets you need for your promotion

God seeks a relationship with you. He desires for you to be intimate with Him; He desires fellowship with you. However God will not force you into a closer relationship with you. He gave man a will for a reason. So you will have to make a decision for a more intimate relationship with God. Any decision for a closer relationship with God must be driven by love.

However there are many benefits to an intimate relationship with God. It is in the place of intimacy that you are able to download the secrets of God - Deut 29:29 & Dan 2:19. These secrets have been kept for you and not from you. Also, when you have an intimate relationship with God, your ability to hear His voice and receive instructions is enhanced.

Jesus said that He only did what He saw His Father do - John 5:19. This was possible because Jesus had an intimate relationship with the Father. Scripture also lets us know that Jesus increased in wisdom, favor and stature - Luk 2:52. The key to His increase was His close relationship to the Father.

God wants to increase you. One of the keys to your increase is the quality of relationship that you have developed with the Father. An intimate relationship with the Father will enable you to access the secrets and instructions that you need for your elevation.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

God is Committed to You

By virtue of your identification with Christ you have been restored unto right standing with God - Rom 5:17-18. You have been made righteous in Christ. As a result you have every right to approach and communicate with God without any sense of guilt or unworthiness - Heb 4:16.

You are a member of the body of Christ and a child of God. Just like an earthly child can boldly approach his/her parents you can do the same to your Heavenly Father. You can approach God with confidence daily and at any time of the day.

God is willing and able to release His power to bring about your favor and success (grace) but you must first approach Him with your requests. Don't let anyone deceive you about your right to stand boldly before God. He is a loving Father and you are His Child. God is committed to you - Jer 29:11.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

You are accepted by grace

By the grace of God you are accepted in the Kingdom of God - Eph 1:6. It was by the grace of God that the Lord purchased your freedom through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus - Eph 1:7. It is because of this sacrifice that you can now be called a child of God.

God's grace doesn't end at the point you identify with the death and resurrection of Jesus, and become born again. Rather you are forever called into a life of grace from the point of new birth onward. You were not just accepted one time. You are accepted forever more. Irrespective of what you are going through or what you may have done, you still have access to the grace of God.

Child of God you are accepted by the grace of God. You must learn to accept the grace of God. Don't allow anyone including the enemy to lie to you concerning your status as the beloved of God. If you make a mistake, repent, pick yourself up and move on. As you remain in the Word of God and prioritize the presence of God, you will eventually overcome those mistakes by the help of the Holy Spirit. Through it all, you remain accepted.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

As you walk in the favor of God you will enjoy outstanding results

The favor of God is available to every believer. It is part of your salvation package. God makes His favor available to you so that you can stand out from the crowd. He does this so that His glory can be revealed through you. He also does this because it will require His favor for you to accomplish all that He has called you to do.

The early church accomplished tremendous things for the Kingdom. They had uncommon results. The church grew rapidly beyond natural efforts and comprehension. The rapid growth of the church was acknowledged in scripture - Acts 2:47. Without the favor of God the early church would not have had a fraction of the results that they saw.

Friend your natural abilities will only take you so far; they are limited. God is willing and able to make His unlimited power available for your benefit and favor. This willingness and ability is described as the grace of God. Learn to develop and release your faith for the favor of God in every area of your life. As you do so you will enjoy uncommon results.

By the grace of God your natural efforts are supernaturally magnified

The apostles of the early church had a great assignment. Their assignment required the grace of God. The grace of God is described as God's willingness to make His power and ability available for the benefit and favor of His children. As a result of the grace of God the early church grew in influence and size - Acts 4:33 & 2:47.

Similarly it will take the grace of God for you to accomplish your God-given assignment. Apostle Paul acknowledged the divine favor of God in his ability to fulfill destiny - 1 Cor 15:10. Whatever God has called you to do will take more than just your natural abilities and labor. God wants to make His power available for your success; His desire is for you to labor by grace.

As you labor factor in the grace of God. The grace of God is a difference maker. By the grace of God your natural efforts are supernaturally magnified, and your results are supernaturally amplified.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Your relationships go a long way in determining your outcome

Your relationships go a long way in determining your outcome. You see there are relationships that God has pre-destined for your favor. Your ability to recognize and treat these relationships appropriately is important in your path to fulfilling destiny. Conversely the wrong relationships can take you further away from fulfilling your destiny.

According to scripture in Pro 13:20, a friend of a wise man walks in wisdom while the friend of a foolish man walks in foolishness. Friend it can take an action based on wisdom to cause you to walk in manifested favor. Similarly an action based on foolishness can cause you to walk further away from the manifestation of divine favor.

You must regularly evaluate the friends that you are surrounded by. Allow God to lead you as you evaluate your friendships. Are they enabling you to walk in divine favor or are they enabling the compromise of the flow of divine favor into your life? Choose your friends wisely and you will not live a compromised life.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The flow of favor in your life will not cease

On of the laws in operation in the Kingdom of God is the law of seed time and harvest. This law states that every seed will bring forth a harvest as long as the earth remains - Gen 8:22. This represents God's system and is mostly applied in the area of finances. However this law can also be applied in the area of favor.

Do you desire favor in a particular area of your life? If you do then look for an opportunity to sow favor in another person's direction. Don't just let this be a one-time event. If you truly understand how seed time and harvest works then you will seek to grab every opportunity to sow a seed of favor because this guarantees a constant harvest of favor in your life. In other words the flow of favor in your life will not cease.

Friend make a commitment today to constantly sowing seeds of favor. Then expect and receive the flow of favor in your life.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Watch as the favor overtakes you

Pride is another one of the greatest blockers of the flow of divine favor into your life. A prideful man is someone who believes that all that he has ever achieved was as a result of his labor. He brags about how much he had to sweat to get to where he is. He confidently shares stories of how he intends to toil in order to make even more progress in all areas of his life. In his stories there is a distinct lack of the mention of God's hand in his life. He is convinced that he can be successful all by himself.

Friend pride such as described above is what leads to failure and eventually destruction - Pro 18:12. The devil is an example of one who fell to pride. He had a favored position in the Kingdom having been created with great musical capacity. As the bible lets us know his downfall began once he considered that he did not need God and in fact could be at the same level as God. He was eventually cast down and consigned to eternal death.

You see rather than pride you need humility. Humility refers to your ability to submit your will to God's will, and to acknowledge God's hand in your affairs. This is what opens the door for divine favor to flow in your life. You must learn not to believe so much in your own ability that you ignore the fact that your natural ability is limited. However God's ability is unlimited. Let go of pride and subscribe to humility, and watch as the favor of God overtakes you.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Let the favor of God flow freely in your life

Sin is one of the greatest blockers of divine favor. Sin stops the flow of divine favor in your direction. How can the favor of God be in abundance over your life while you continually sin - Rom 6:1? What business does light have with darkness - 2 Cor 6:14?

The truth is that when you became born again, you old sin nature was replaced and a new nature was given to you. Your old spirit was replaced with a brand new spirit. You are now the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, the light of the world. As a result of this transformation your default state is no longer sinful.

From time to time you may still stumble and make mistakes. However as a child of God you do not make sin a habit. Rather you pick yourself up, confess your sin - Pro 28:13, move on and stay in God's Word. You keep pressing on. Don't allow guilt and shame to keep you bound. As you make a conscious effort to leave sin behind the flow of God's favor will continue to be present in all of your endeavors.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

It's Favor Time!

Psa 102:13 (NIV)
You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come.

The divine favor of God is part of our salvation package. God knew that you will require His favor in order to be all that you were created to be - 1 Cor 15:10. As children of God you must be conscious of God's divine favor in all of your endeavors. You must acknowledge and expect the favor of God to be manifested in every situation.

Friend this favor is not for some undefined time in the future. This favor is for now. This is the set time for you to be favored - Psa 102:13. Get away from the mindset that God will favor you in the future or God favored me in the past. God wants you to experience His favor now and forever. I declare that the favor of God will cause you to shine now. Amen.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Your gratitude towards God positions you for divine favor

Gratitude and thanksgiving are not very natural behaviors for man. In the culture of our time it is not even second nature to be grateful. According to scripture in Rom 1:21 many people know God and can see the hand of God evident all around them. However they neither acknowledge and glorify Him nor thank Him. Don't be part of this group of people.

Friend your attitude towards God with respect to what He has done for your i.e. your gratitude or ingratitude is a key to determining how much divine favor is manifested in your life. Just like a thankful or grateful son stirs up favor in his parents and causes them to desire to do more for the son. Similarly your gratitude towards God positions you for the favor of God.

As a child of God you have access to divine favor. Make a commitment today to live a life of gratitude to God. Your lifestyle of gratitude towards God enables divine favor to continually flow in your direction.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

You will experience manifestations of divine favor continually

Saul was chosen by God to be king - 1 Sam 10:1,6-8,24. This was the favor of God in operation. It was this divine favor that caused him to be selected from amongst all the people for such a high office. Saul was divinely equipped to function in this office.

Something happened along the way. Saul became arrogant and began to disobey the protocol and instructions of God - 1 Sam 13:13-14;15:10-11. Saul had previously been positioned for the favor of God. Now by his acts of disobedience he had caused himself to no longer be in position for divine favor. He became disqualified to be God's chosen king. Eventually Saul's reign came to an end. He died dishonorably - 1 Chr 10:13, 1 Sam 31:1-6.

Friend even though God has promised to pour out His favor upon you - Psa 102:13 - you must still do your part to ensure that you are positioned for divine favor. You must resist going down the same path that Saul travelled. Rather be faithful and committed to the plans, instructions and purpose of God. Then you will experience manifestations of divine favor continually.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

You position yourself for divine favor through your attitude

When the angel of God appeared to Mary to inform her of the good news, that she will be the vessel through whom Jesus will be born, she was initially afraid and apprehensive - Luk 1:28-29. This was a natural reaction to being told that as a virgin betrothed to a man she was going to conceive supernaturally. How will she explain this to Joseph and the rest of her family she must have been thinking.

The angel of God sought to reassure her. He told her not to be afraid because she had found favor with God - Luk 1:30. Why did God select Mary out of all the women He could have selected? Friend, Mary was positioned for the favor of God. She had the right attitude for what God was set to do through her. This is evident in her eventual response to the angel. In Luk 1:38 she said to the angel "let it be according to your word." Other people would have gone on to add doubt and unbelief to their initial apprehension.

By her response Mary demonstrated her attitude towards God and His Word. This was likely not the first time. God must have observed her obedience prior to the encounter with the angel in Luk 1, and found her to be the right candidate for favor. You see even though God has made His favor available for you, you must do your part by positioning yourself for the manifestation of divine favor through your attitude. Then you will walk in the fullness of God's favor.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

You must act consistent with the operation of divine favor

There is an appropriate dress code for favor. You must dress in a way consistent with how you expect men to deal with you. This goes beyond just the physical clothes. It also refers to observing the right protocols, having the right attitude, and using the right words.

In Es 5:1-2, Esther had to appear before the king. Even though Esther was the queen she did not take her appearance before the king for granted. She prepared meticulously, she dressed appropriately and had the right demeanor before the king. This caused the divine favor of God to be activated on her behalf, and caused her to be favored before the king.

So it is not just enough to have the favor of God in operation in your life. Additionally, you must act, think, speak and dress consistently with the operation of divine favor in your life. So make a decision now that everything you do will be consistent with the flow of God's favor in your life.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

With divine favor in operation nothing can stop you

God is able and willing to make available all the grace or favor that you need in order to accomplish all that you were created to do. According to scripture in 2 Cor 9:8, "He is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work". Favor is synonymous grace. In this scripture it clear that the favor of God can cause you to be sufficient in everything that is needed and to have an abundant supply of very resource that you need for your God-given dream.

The favor of God will cause you to be connected to the right people at the right time; divine relationships needed for your destiny. The favor of God will cause the right resources that you need for that God-given project to be supernaturally drawn unto you. The favor of God will cause your efforts to be magnified and cause you to enjoy outstanding results in all your endeavors. This is what it means to live a life of divine favor. You see with divine favor in operation in your life nothing can stop you. As you build and release your faith for favor you will indeed experience manifestations of divine favor.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Enjoy the overflow of God's favor

One of the keys to accessing the favor of God is your tithe. In Mal 3:10-11 God threw out a challenge. The challenge was that if you try out His word and instruction to bring the tithe to Him watch and see whether He will not do what He said He will do.

What did God say He will do? God said that as a result of bringing in the tithe He will open the widows of Heaven over you and pour out such a blessing upon you that there will not be room enough to contain it. He also said that He will protect the works of your hands and your harvest from the enemy who seeks to destroy. The windows of Heaven is a reference to the favor of God. God declares that your tithe will cause an outpouring of His favor upon you beyond anything you can think or imagine.

Friend the tithe represents a tenth of your income. Abraham paid the tithe unto God through Melchizedek - Heb 7:1-2. Jesus was called in the priesthood of Melchizedek - Heb 7:15-17, and Abraham is the Father of our Faith - Rom 4:16. So God still expects us to pay our tithe in this dispensation. As you continue in this vein, God's promise to cause you to be favored beyond measure is still in effect. Enjoy the overflow of God's favor.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Your relationships help to determine your path to greatness

There is a right association that ensures that you walk in the fullness of God's favor. Conversely the wrong association can move you away from the favor of God. Ruth recognized the power of association. She refused to dissociate from Naomi, her mother-in-law even though her husband had died. She recognized that by the favor of God she had been divinely connected - Ruth 1:16. This relationship eventually led her to her next husband. Today she is named in the lineage of Jesus. That's the favor of God - Ruth 2:10 & Ruth 4:13.

The power of association is evident in this story of Ruth and Naomi. According to Pro 13:20 you are encouraged to surround yourself with wise men and not fools so that you don't experience a manifestation of foolishness but rather the wisdom of your companions will rub off on you. Likewise you must be sensitive to the divine relationships that God has place around you. God intends that these relationships will be channels through which His favor will flow into your life. I see you walking in a greater dimension of the favor of God as you maximize the divine relationships He has surrounded you with.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

This is your season to be rewarded

God has the ability to influence the hearts of those in authority over you from the president to your boss - Pro 21:1. He is willing to do this in order for you to be favored. In Es 6:1-3 the bible records that the king could not sleep. The king's sleep was disturbed. He could not sleep any further until he had addressed Mordecai's reward. You see Mordecai's had informed the king about an evil plot, and God caused the king to lose his sleep so that Mordecai could be rewarded. That was the favor of God in operation - Pro 3:4.

It is the favor of God that causes men and women to remember your seed of good and to reward you beyond your efforts and results. It is the favor of God that causes others to look on you favorably irrespective of the circumstances. It is the favor of God that causes people to notice you. Friend with God's favor on your side you can be assured that your reward will never be forgotten. This is your season to be rewarded.

It's time for your promotion

Many times believers erroneously subscribe to the world's way of doing things. They believe and act as though man is the source of promotion. This is as a result of a lack of revelation. The psalmist in Psa 75:6 accurately declares that true promotion comes from God.

You see men can promote you but unless it is from God it will not be fulfilling and lasting, and will not be consistent with the plan and purpose for your life. So instead of looking unto men for promotion you should look unto God. God is ready, willing and able to promote you from where you are currently to where you ought to be. However you must release your faith for God's favor.

You start by meditating on scriptures related to the favor of God. You meditate on these scriptures until you come to a place of revelation. At this point God's favor becomes more real to you than any situation that you are facing. Then you begin to confess the favor of God and begin to speak about the relevant situations in a way that is consistent with what God's word says about favor.

As you release your faith for favor and begin to walk in the consciousness of God's favor there will be a manifestation of God's favor that will lead to your promotion. Friend, it is your time for promotion. Make a commitment to do what it takes to lay hold on your promotion from God. See you at the top.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The right words can activate favor in your direction

Your words are very powerful. How and what words you choose to use are very important. They have the ability to build up and encourage others or to pull down and discourage them. If you choose to use your words rightly then they can become a delight to others and activate favor in your direction - Pro 16:13. However the wrong use and choice of words can cause pain and draw people away from you.

Friend, every moment of your life you are faced with a choice to use and choose the right words. Friendships and relationships designed by God to maximize destinies have been destroyed because of the wrong words. If you want to live a life characterized by divine favor before men then make the right choice. Fill yourself up with the Word of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to inspire you to choose to use the right words in every situation. Let your words be a delight.

Happy Father's Day - A Celebration of Fatherhood

Happy Fathers Day! Fathers are often criticized and maligned, and rarely celebrated. It's interesting that as important as fathers are society focuses more on pointing out the bad fathers rather than celebrating the great fathers. It's time to tip the balance because fathers are so important in society.

Let's start from the beginning. Fathers are meant to be the foundation of the family and to develop the potential and gifts of his children. Every male man was created with a seed of fatherhood in him. Irrespective of whether he has physical children every man has the potential to exhibit traits of fatherhood.

Consider that the male man was created first; before the female. God gave the male an assignment to tend and to keep - Gen 2:15. As a father the male is called to instruct his children - Pro 1:8-9 - with love and without provoking them - Eph 6:4. Fathers are called to raise up their children in the ways of God - Pro 22:6.

God has already given us the blueprint for fatherhood. Love is one of the roots of great fatherhood - Psa 103:13. God loved us so much that He gave what was most precious and valuable to Him so that you and could be redeemed from the enemy - John 3:16. It is love that drives a father to discipline his children - Pro 13:24.

Today many of the issues in society e.g. crime, lack of honor, degeneration of moral values, etc., are as a result of poor or absent fatherhood. There is a lot of absent or inadequate fatherhood. Even when fathers are present they are not fulfilling their roles consistent with God's Word. It is time for fathers to rise up and take their rightful roles in the families.

As you celebrate Fathers Day today make a decision to align yourself with God's purpose for fathers. If you are not a father commit the fathers around you into the hands of God; that they will succeed in their roles as fathers. Once again, Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Honor leads to favor

The favor of God will be needed in order for you to enjoy the fullness of God's plans. It is the favor of God that will cause you to receive things that you did not qualify for in the natural.

One of the keys to walking in the favor of God is honoring your parents - Eph 6:1-3. God instructed HIs people in Deut 5:16 that they must honor their fathers and mothers in order for them to love long lives. He went on to say that as they honored their parents things will go well for them in the promised land. The phrase "that it may be well with you" refers to the favor of God i.e. the favor of God causes things to go well for you.

You honor your parents by listening to and obeying their instructions which are aligned with God's word and instructions. Another way to honor your parents is to honor them with money. Sow into their lives. Buy them gifts. Pay for things that are important to them. You also honor your parents by treating them with respect, holding them in high regard, and speaking well about them to others.

As a child of God you must resist the temptation to follow the world's leaning towards a lack of honor and respect. In society you can see that the common culture is not high on respect and honor. However it is clear from scriptures that honor and respect are important to God. Honor is part of the Kingdom culture. Friend make a commitment to stand for what is right and honor your parents.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

You are favored

Have you ever wondered why you were born in the year you arrived in this world? Have you ever wondered why you live in such a time as this? Have you ever been curious what it would have been like if you lived in another time and era? These are all questions that many of us have asked previously. The truth is that you were born when you were born and you are living in this era because there is a gift inside of you that is needed in this season. You are a solution provider for your generation.

The gifts that God has given you when properly expressed in the right context and situations will cause men to seek you out and favor you - Pro 18:16. You must be committed to developing your gifts throughout your life. This is what qualifies you to deploy your gifts.

Friend, discover, develop and deploy your gifts. As you do so you will be favored by others and those in higher positions will seek you out. It is your season to be favored.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The favor of God makes a difference

Favor is firstly divine. Favor is a concept of God. It is a system that God intends every believer to operate in. God's desire is that every believer will operate by His divine favor.

The favor of God is what sets every believer apart from the world. The favor of God causes you to enjoy benefits that you did not qualify for. The favor of God multiplies the impact and effects of your labor. The favor God makes a way for you where people have said there is no way. The favor of God causes natural policies to be suspended on your behalf.

According to Pro 16:7 the favor of God will even cause those who have set themselves against you to be be at peace with you. You may be asking: How? Why?. Divine favor causes men to be drawn unto you and to treat your favorably - Pro 3:4.

Friend factor in the divine favor of God as your go about your day to day life. As you do this watch as God pours out such favor over you in all of your endeavors..

Sunday, June 2, 2013

You must have the right attitude for divine favor

The Psalmist declares in Psa 5:12 that God will surround the righteous with favor like a shield. You see it is God's desire that you live by favor and not just by your labor. Favor is a supernatural advantage. Favor is defined as preferential treatment, something done out of goodwill, excessive kindness, and something that is freely granted.

Friend favor does not exclude you from labor. Rather God has granted favor to every believer as a supernatural advantage. He expects you to function wherever He has placed you with a consciousness of His favor. It is the favor of God that causes the efforts of a believer to be magnified. It is the favor of God that causes you to be noticed from a crowd.

However in order for you to maximize the favor of God over your life you must have the right attitude. When Jesus was on the cross, there were 2 thieves - 1 on either side of Him. One thief had the right attitude and the other did not. Jesus favored the thief to his right and granted this thief access to Paradise because of his attitude.

Your attitude qualifies you for favor. You have to have the right attitude in every situation so that you can walk in the fullness of the favor of God.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

You are supernaturally equipped for your assignment

Rain is synonymous with fertilization, fructification and ripening. These are all stages that a seed goes through on the way to full maturity. Friend you are seed sent forth to your generation. You were sent here on an assignment. In order for your seed that seed to come to full maturity there is a need for the rain of God.

The Bible mentions the former rain and the latter rain - Joel 2:23. In Bible time, the former rain described the rain that fell in the Fall. This rain served to fructify the seed i.e. to make the seed fruitful and productive. The latter rain served to ripen the grain or the fruit.

That seed inside of you has been watered. However it will take the latter rain of God upon you for you to mature and become all that God has called you to be. Ask the Lord for rain - Zec 10:1. This rain refers to the rain of His Spirit. God wants the influence of HIs Holy Spirit upon your life to rise to the point that you are empowered to fulfill your destiny.

You are not alone. By the power and influence of the Holy Spirit you will be supernaturally equipped for your assignment.

Nothing can stop you, you are an overcomer

When you accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and became a child of God, you entered into a covenant with God. A covenant is an agreement between 2 parties that cannot be broken except by death. One of the benefits of this covenant is your partnership with the Holy Spirit. This partnership makes you unbeatable.

Rom 8:13 illustrates the strength of this partnership. According to this scripture no one can successfully stand against you if God is for you. Listen friends you must settle it in your heart that God is always on your side. This is evidenced by the fact that the Holy Spirit lives on your inside.

Jesus said that there will be trials and tribulations. However you have what it takes to overcome in every situation because the Greater One is on your inside - 1 Jn 4:4. Be cheerful and courageous in the face of challenges because you know that you have the supernatural advantage - 1 Jn 4:4.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Position Yourself to Profit

God is interested in your profit and progress. He is committed to teaching you what is good for you - Isa 48:17. In this dispensation He teaches you through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will teach you all truth and brings things to your remembrance - Jn 14:26 & Jn 16:13. Friend this is your supernatural advantage. Speak to the Holy Spirit. Ask Him for direction and instructions. Listen patiently for a response. Act appropriately consistent with His instructions. With the Holy Spirit as your partner you are unbeatable in every area of life.

Position Yourself to Walk with The Holy Spirit

The Bible describes the fruit of the Spirit as: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control - Gal 5:22-23. The fruit of the Spirit is as a result of the workings of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. Just as the fruit of a tree will eventually be mature and seen, likewise the fruit of the Spirit must be cultivated in partnership with the Holy Spirit and will eventually be evident.

Contrast this to Gal 5:19-21 where the works of the flesh are listed: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries. If your life is governed by the flesh i.e. the natural way of doing things, then the works of the flesh will be evident in your life.

It takes the influence of the Holy Spirit to live a life that is not governed by the flesh. You must crucify the flesh and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You crucify the flesh by resisting the temptations to fall into the behaviors and traps that lead to the works listed in Gal 5:19-21 and described in the second paragraph, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Then you position yourself to walk with the Spirit and His fruit by making the Word of God your standard.

Friday, May 17, 2013

You can approach God with confidence

When you became a child of God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in you. The Bible says in Rom 8:15 that we did not receive a spirit of bondage rather we received the Spirit of adoption. In other words when you were an unbeliever your life was dominated by the spirit of bondage which caused you to be bound in sin and fear.

The word adoption in Rom 8:15 refers to your engraftment into God's family. You were a stranger to God's family, and a slave to sin previously but by identifying with Christ you became a child of God, adopted into the family with all the full rights and privileges of the 1st Son, Jesus Christ.

When you became a son of God your past was wiped away and it was as though you were always a son. Now, you can confidently approach the Father with boldness because of your status as a child of God. This why you can use the affectionate term Abba, and say Abba Father.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Living an Effective Life

According to scripture in 2 Pe 1:3, everything that you need to live the life that God has called you live has been given to you by the power of God through your knowledge of Him. The word life in this verse of scripture is from the Greek word Zoe, which refers to the God kind of life. The God kind of life is not an ordinary life; it is not an average life.

Friend, you must learn how to access the power of God in order to live an effective life. Without the manifestation of the power of God in your life you will not experience the fullness of life. God has made that power available to you by sending His Holy Spirit to dwell in every believer. You must consciously acknowledge the Holy Spirit, and yield yourself to His direction and promptings. This is key to living an effective life.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Watch the impossible become a reality

According to scripture in Isa 59:16, God had to step in to rescue humanity. He did not find a man who had all the capabilities to redeem man i.e. an intercessor who was righteous. Therefore He sent His only Son, at the time, to die on our behalf. Jesus died as the only son of God. He resurrected as the first son of God amongst billions of sons to follow. Friend you and I are now children of God because of Jesus' victory.

When Jesus left, He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. One of the roles of the Holy Spirit is as an intercessor. An intercessor is one who stands in the place of prayer to bridge the gap between man and God. This gives God the permission to step into the human arena and effect changes. Now that we have the Holy Spirit in us, we can intercede effectively - Rom 8:26-27. Leverage your partnership with the Holy Spirit, the greatest intercessor. Let the prayer begin and watch as the impossible becomes a reality in the lives of others.

Monday, May 13, 2013

You must be confident

The power of God is resident in the Holy Spirit. This current generation is marked by the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus left He sent the Holy Spirit to reside in us. This is the same Holy Spirit who is described as the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and reverence in Is 11:2.

Friend, as a child of God, the Holy Spirit resides in you. This means that you have access to the power of God as well as all the attributes described in Is 11:2. Therefore there is nothing in the world that can stop you because the Holy Spirit is greater than anything that the world can throw at you - 1 Jn 4:4. It's time to face any situation with confidence because you know that with the Holy Spirit on your inside you cannot be defeated.

Friday, May 10, 2013

There's no need to struggle

When Jesus left, He sent the Holy Spirit to abide in us. By doing so He also anointed us through the Holy Spirit to function effectively in life - 1 Jn 2:20. WIthout the anointing of God you cannot accomplish all that God has called you to do. You will be ineffective because what God intends for you to do in life will take more than your abilities to complete.

The anointing to function is the divine enablement endowed on a believer to function beyond his natural abilities. As a believer you have access to the anointing. It has already been made available for you through the Holy Spirit. You must acknowledge it and consciously walk in it. You do this by spendimg time in the Word of God, prayer and fasting. Then you stay sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit; allow Him to lead you and follow His instructions.

The anointing to function is available for every area of your life - family, ministry, career, business, etc - 1 Jn 2:27. The anointing package includes wisdom, strength, favor, etc. There's no need for you to struggle any longer. You have the anointing to function.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

You will have a 100% success rate

According to scripture - Pro 20:27, the spirit of a man is the lamp of The Lord. You see God is spirit - Jn 4:24 and man is made in the image and likeness of God - Gen 1:26. Therefore man is essentially a spirit. Man is a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body. This is why God leads man through the spirit. God seeks to direct man onto the prefect path.

For you to do all that God has called you to do or to become all that God has called you to be you must be led by the spirit. You must be sensitive to the leanings and promptings of the Spirit of God. The word lamp is used in Pro 20:27 to signify illumination and clarity. God shines light onto your path through your spirit to direct you. Friend learn to yield to the directions of God and you will never fail. As long as you remain committed to God's instructions you will have a 100% success rate.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Use your words to create your world

According to scriptures, Gen 1:2, the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the earth. The Spirit of God did to go into action until God began to speak. As God spoke His Spirit began to cause what God said to come to pass.

Friend God created you in His image and likeness - Gen 1:26. He intended for you to operate as He does. God does not keep quiet about His desires. Rather he proclaims them. Likewise you must speak your desires, consistent with God's word. As you declare them, the Holy Spirit will go into action and cause what you have declared verbally to come to pass.

Monday, May 6, 2013

You are not alone

When Jesus was leaving He said that He will send the Holy Spirit as another helper like Jesus was to His disciples - Jn 14:16. The phrase another helper is translated from the Greek phrase Allos Parakletos. The full meaning of this phrase is another one of the same kind. In the same way that someone wearing a black round neck t-shirt can give you another round black neck t-shirt. If he gave you a t-shirt that was of a different color or style of neck it would not be another t-shirt of the same kind. Jesus was effectively saying that just as He was a guide, intercessor, companion, mentor, teacher, friend, prophet, etc. to the disciples the Holy Spirit would be the same to us.

In order for the Holy Spirit to help you, you must give him the permission; you must allow Him to help you. He lives inside of you but He will not suppress your will. In order for Him to move on your behalf then you must consciously allow Him. One of the ways that the Holy Spirit is meant to help us is in our prayers. There are so many things that we pray for. However there are so many more things that you should be praying for that you don't even know of. This is where the Holy Spirit comes in. God has given us access to a supernatural language. The Holy Spirit guides you to pray appropriately as you pray using this supernatural language.

So in order to maximize your life and live to your fullest potential you will have to yield to the supernatural help from the Holy Spirit. To do otherwise is to live a limited life. If there was no value to His help, Jesus would not have sent Him to us. I want to encourage you today to allow the Holy Spirit to help you in every area of your life. Consciously ask for His help and assistance and be sensitive to His promptings. As you do so you will enjoy outstanding results - Job 32:8 & 1 Jn 2:20.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

You must stand your ground and claim your victory

Scripture refers to the devil as a relentless thief - Jn 10:10. His sole mission in life is to destroy humanity. His hatred for humanity is based on the fact that man has what he originally desired. He desired to be like God and rebelled when he did not get this desire granted - Isa 14:14. This desire was not consistent with God's plan and purpose for the devil. 

However when God created man, He made man like Himself - Gen 1:26. From that point on the devil has sought to destroy man. Thank God that after Adam yielded himself to the devil's plans, God had a restoration plan - Gen 3:15. It is because of the victory of Jesus at Calvary that we have regained access to the God-kind of life - Jn 10:10. Jesus came so that we can have that life to an overflowing measure. 

So the stage has been set for our victory. We are united with, and are sons of God - 1 Cor 12:12-14. Therefore Jesus' victory is our victory. There is no longer any way for the devil to defeat us. This does not stop him from trying; he is a thief afterall. Irrespective of what he throws at you, you must stand your ground and remember that you have already won. Be of good cheer, Jesus won the victory for us - Jn 16:33. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Your obedience leads to your promotion

God gave certain conditions for walking in the blessing in Deuteronomy chapter 28. In verse 1 He mentions that for man to walk in the blessing he must obey the instructions and commandments of God. Then God goes on to say in the same verse that as a result of this obedience man will be set high above the nations of the earth.

God is ready, willing and able to promote you - Psa 75:6-7. For you to be promoted and be the head and not the tail - Deut 28:13, you must do it God's way; by making God's Word your standard and obeying every instruction He gives you to the fullest extent. You see partial obedience is still disobedience. You cannot expect the fullness of the manifestation of God when you have only gone part of the way.

Don't be like King Saul who lost his position because he disobeyed God and only obeyed God partially - 1 Sam 13:13-14, 1 Sam 15:22-23. I implore you to make a decision today to be totally obedient to the Word and instructions of God. Then you will be qualified for promotion.

You have supernatural insurance over all your affairs

In Mal 3:10 God was describing the insurance policy of the believer. His instructions were that the tithe serves as an insurance policy against the devices of the enemy. God says that as we minister the tithe unto Him, He will cause such a rain of the blessing to come upon us that we will not have room enough to contain it. In Mal 3:11 He says that the enemy will be rebuked for the sake of the tither.

Friend, tithing has not passed away. Abraham paid tithes - Gen 14:19-20 - and it is unto the blessing of Abraham that we are called unto - Gal 3:13-14. Your tithe is not based on what is left over. Rather it is the first tenth of all of your income. Irrespective of your income level your bills and expenses should never take the place of your tithe. God instructs us to pay this tenth in order that the remaining 90% can be insured and blessed.

You must make a decision to be committed to paying your tithe. Then you can enjoy complete divine insurance over your affairs.

Friday, May 3, 2013

You are blessed

When Jesus died and resurrected He paid the price for our redemption. By virtue of His victory He made a way for us to be restored back into right standing with God. By identifying with His death and resurrection we are restored back into the blessing which man lost when Adam sinned - Gal 3:13. The blessing is the empowerment to succeed, excel and prosper.

You must settle it once and for all; you are blessed. This cannot be reversed - Num 23:20. Irrespective of how situations may appear, you are still blessed - Num 23:19. Friend you must learn to face situations and declare the truth of God's Word over those situations. As you do so you are super imposing the truth of God's word over the facts of the situation. 

As you consistently develop faith in God's word and back that up with your confession of God's word and corresponding actions, you will walk in the manifestations of the blessing. You are empowered to succeed, excel and prosper in all your endeavors. This cannot be reversed. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Let your actions glorify God

1 Cor 6:20.
For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

God paid a significant price to redeem you from sin and death. The word redeemed means to buy back. You see although the gift of salvation was free to you, it actually came at a price to God. His Son Jesus was sacrificed for our sake. Jesus took the human form of man, carried all of humanity's sins, sicknesses, poverty, etc. and was separated from God for 3 days. Even though He did not sin, He had to take on humanity's sin in order to be in a position to die in humanity's place.

Friend now you are joined with Christ and seated in heavenly places with Him. There is no longer any reason to live a defeated life. Every victory that is yours was already paid for. Jesus paid the price so that you can live the life that God created you for. You must be committed to glorifying God in your body and spirit. Let your actions reflect God. Let people see the image of Christ in and through you. You are a light unto your generation.