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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Step Out in Boldness

God had great things in store for Abraham. However for Abraham to truly fulfill his God-given purpose he needed to separate himself from his family and be in a new environment. Abraham needed to be in an environment that would be conducive for his development. He needed to be away from his comfort zone.

Friend in order for you to walk in the fullness of God's plan for your life you will need to walk away from your comfort zone. God's plan for your life is bigger than you and anyone around you. It will take focus, discipline, courage and boldness to accomplish all that you were created to do.

God's plan for your life will stretch you. If you stay where you are comfortable you will never become who you were called to be. So be courageous and trust God. Make a decision today to step out in faith and not be subject to your comfort as God leads you on the path of fulfilling your purpose.

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