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Sunday, June 16, 2013

The right words can activate favor in your direction

Your words are very powerful. How and what words you choose to use are very important. They have the ability to build up and encourage others or to pull down and discourage them. If you choose to use your words rightly then they can become a delight to others and activate favor in your direction - Pro 16:13. However the wrong use and choice of words can cause pain and draw people away from you.

Friend, every moment of your life you are faced with a choice to use and choose the right words. Friendships and relationships designed by God to maximize destinies have been destroyed because of the wrong words. If you want to live a life characterized by divine favor before men then make the right choice. Fill yourself up with the Word of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to inspire you to choose to use the right words in every situation. Let your words be a delight.

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